Monday, June 23, 2014

Jaguar Medicine

Ancient Mayan Jaguar Print by TigerHouseArt on Etsy

My animal teacher for today is Jaguar whose lessons are about integrity, acting in an impeccable manner,  and using one's power with honor and compassion.  Jaguar is associated with Mayan spirituality and their preferred habitat is the rainforest.  They like to swim, are solitary, and are top of the food chain carnivores.  Their method of killing is unusual - they bite the skull, between the ears, to crush the brain of their prey.  Jaguars are a near-threatened species due to human hunting and loss of habitat.  It's going to be extremely hot and humid here today, so our weather will be in keeping with what Jaguar likes!  I plan on being mostly at home to do some gardening,  but have also been invited to go to a yard sale early to look at some vintage costume jewelry the woman will be selling on Friday. 

End of day notes:  The jewelry deal went very well; the seller turned out to be a retired auctioneer and dealer so her prices were great.  I got some nice things for a grand total of $20 along with having a pleasant time while there.

Didn't do as well on the issue with my Mom being harassed by a male resident at the nursing home.  In spite of my leaving two messages for the social worker, who said she'd call today with an update, I didn't hear from her. So the third message I left was not so nice and wouldn't qualify as impeccable.  If she fails to call again tomorrow, I will contact the head of nursing next.  What I am trying to do is give the nursing home a fair chance to correct the problem themselves instead of calling the State first thing in the morning to report the problem and get their help, which is what I want to do. I really don't think my mother should have to put up with this crap and the creepy resident who wants kisses should be chained to his bedpost until he can be neutered.  But Jaguar thinks that would not be using my power with honor and compassion, so I will call the State only as a last resort.  Thank you to Jaguar for being my teacher today!

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