Monday, June 23, 2014

Armadillo Medicine

Armadillo Dream by Ravengirl on Etsy

Welcome, welcome Armadillo!  Today my friend, Ooneeta, has come to be my teacher!  She is one who assists me with animal telepathic communications by helping me to open and close the link between myself and the animal I'm talking with.  Closing the link after a communication is very important.  During the workshops I took to learn how to speak with animals, two people reported they were up all night because they had not closed that link and the animal kept talking with them!  So I surround myself with fog and white light to close the communication at the end.

Armadillo helps us to set boundaries as to what we want and do not want to allow into our lives and can also teach us to shield ourselves from harmful words, emotions, and energies that come from others.  Native American teacher Jamie Sams suggests drawing a circle on a piece of paper to represent a medicine shield.  Written inside the circle is everything you want to come into your life - everything you love and desire. Outside the circle is written things you wish to experience by your invitation only.  This helps to set your boundaries on a subconscious level and communicate your wishes to others. I can confirm personally that this exercise works.  I've also made a small shield that hangs over my bed for Dreamtime.

There are about 30 species of armadillos and they are native to the Americas.  They dig for their food and eat primarily insects such as grubs and ants.  Their most outstanding feature is the armor which covers everything except their undersides, although some have more armor then others.  One species of armadillo is known to jump straight up in the air when surprised which causes them to collide with the undercarriages of passing vehicles - yikes!  Their eyesight is poor so they hunt by scent, and they are solitary animals who live in burrows they dig themselves.

I think it's time to review my personal armadillo shield and although I'm busy today visiting Mom and doing errands, the time on the road will provide an opportunity to reflect on which of my boundaries may need to be changed.  One thing I don't do well with is getting enough rest and being willing to get "just one more thing" done at night often causes me to oversleep in the morning which is not good!  So I need to set some boundaries there for sure!

End of day notes:  Oh boy what a day, with ample time for thinking while driving.   There's a fork in the highway I travel coming back from seeing Mom where allowed use of the breakdown lane during rush hour stops about 1/4 mile before it.  But many people feel they can still use it then cut everyone else off at the fork creating a bottleneck. It's totally rude and it pisses me off every time it happens.  So I decided to set a boundary and not allow that by driving my gigantic extended van half in the right lane and half in the breakdown lane which worked like a charm. It prevented me from getting cut off and all the cars illegally using the breakdown lane got the effects of the bottleneck themselves because the cars behind me got what I was doing and wouldn't let them cut in. I don't normally play driving games and probably won't do it again.  But it sure was nice to set a boundary in that instance although I'm not quite sure that's the type of thing my teacher had in mind. 

My other new boundary is a cutoff time of 12:30 for the computer - emails and such can wait until tomorrow and I'm off to bed. 

Much gratitude to Ooneeta the Armadillo for being my teacher today, and for her help in communicating with animals!

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