Monday, June 23, 2014

Bear Medicine

Bear and Fish Balloon Bringing a Smile - original art by thebluewindmill on Etsy

Bear has come today to teach me about going within and entering the silence to discover my true dreams and goals.  Bears like to eat just about anything and are found living all over the world, along with being big, strong and fearless.  But their most notable trait is hibernating during the winter and being reborn each spring.  At this time in my life I've accomplished most of my goals and am at a crossroads thinking about what direction to go in next and how to best use the rest of my life.  But like many people today, the economy has necessitated some unwanted changes in my family's lifestyle and making ends meet has become my main focus over the last few years.  In spite of this immediate need, it's still important to follow ones's dreams and have goals so I'm hoping Bear can help me focus on those things.  The vet is coming here today to give the dogs their annual checkup and shots plus I have an appointment and the thing with my Mom to deal with,  so I'm not sure when there will be time for quiet and reflection, but I will try to make some. 

End of day notes:  The dogs' annual went well and we were done in an hour!  Doc and Richie went to play golf afterwards (it was 99 degrees!), while I let the dogs out, cleaned the kennel as fast as I could, and got them back inside.  Had an appointment then bought 5 quarts of strawberries at a local farm, 3 of which got frozen, the other 2 I'm working on eating (bears like berries)!  The social worker from the nursing home called about Mom's unwanted male admirer to say he has had a med change, is under constant supervision and will be transferred to another facility - Yay!

As far as introspection and going within, I did do some of that but became distracted by the fact that my outer self could use a little work, as in eyebrows are supposed to start at the corners of the eyes, a little makeup wouldn't kill me, hair combing is a good idea,  and happened to my upper lip??  Maybe that was the point of the introspection.  Thanks Bear, thanks a lot... 

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