Monday, June 23, 2014

Whale Medicine Day 5

Today I've decided to let something go.  What to let go came to me while I was getting some things together for tomorrow's sale and saw this tucked away inside an upper kitchen cabinet.  It's a covered cassarole dish with a whale's tail on the top. Most of the whale is under water and only the tail can be seen above the surface. 

I haven't forgotten about my teacher this week, but have been "crazy busy" and although I've been thinking about Whale, I haven't taken time to do the homework.  Of course, thinking about something isn't quite as effective as actually doing it :>) 

Earlier in the week I had read a blog article by Birgette Racine, author of the book "The Serpent and the Jaguar - Living in Sacred Time" which is about living one's life in harmony with the Mayan calendar.

Here's the blog post: The Theft of Sacred Time

I paid attention to what she said because the article struck a chord in me.  Who among us cannot relate to this happening occasionally......... or maybe often?  Even people who are good at saying "no", like myself, can find themselves stuck in a cycle of not having enough time for our spiritual/creative/fun/inner child selves because the thief of our sacred time is us :>)  So although I have learned to say no to others, I'm not always good at saying no to myself.

Since Whale's lesson is about history, I got to thinking about my own personal history of sabotaging myself as far as making room for sacred time.  Yes, I am usually my own worst enemy.  Because although there are occasions when others need my help and I might choose to put their needs first, when I really think about it, those occasions are actually few and far between.  It is in fact most often my own self who decides what's important, what gets priority, and how my free time is spent.  Almost every day there is some free time.  You only need to take it. 

But instead, I might choose to use that free time to work a bit more on business, or chores in the house, or to do some of tomorrow's stuff and get a jump on things.  Even though deep down inside I know that time would be better put to use as sacred time.  Sacred time enables us to grow and move forward much more than extra business work, or house chores, or doing things before they need to be done.  If I had taken some sacred time this week, I would have been able to learn more about what Whale is trying to teach me.  Until I find my unique sound, I cannot move forward on the lesson which I truly know nothing about as opposed to knowing plenty about business and house chores. 

I understand that I'm in charge of my own schedule, but I had to dig deeper to realize the reason why I have a history of cheating myself out of my own sacred time, and the answer truly surprised me.

So although I haven't yet found my unique sound to open the records to my past life, I did spend time this week reviewing my history of unwanted behaviors and feel at least a little progress has been made.  I would think before one goes on to examining their past lives, it would be good to look closely at the present one first :>) 

Many thanks to Whale for having patience with me and offering that tail to grab onto as opposed to just swimming away ~

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