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Love snow! |
Species: Siberian Husky, Female, Age 15
Person: Karen Daley
Date: 10/14/10
Time: 12:07-12:37pm
Background: Jasmine is 15 which is quite old for a husky. She's been acting almost like a person with Dementia at times. She sometimes appears lost or confused, occasionally gets stuck in corners and can't back out, stares into space, walks away while being petted, and gets a far away look in her eyes. Sometimes it seems she doesn't know us. To get to the back door to go outside, she walks a bit then stops, repeating this many times. Jasmine also paces a lot - in the house, and often outside in the yards. Her back end isn't good either and if she stands too long, her hindquarters slowly droop so she's almost seated. She never sits any more - she either stands or lies down. When she was younger, her hips were OFA rated "excellent" but as a preventative for problems, she's been on Glycoflex III to keep her joints lubricated since age 9. She also gets eye drops twice a day to keep her eyes moist, and probiotics twice a day. Her eyes were examined in the spring by a vet opthamologist and are healthy.
I want to find out how her body is feeling, why she's doing the other things and ask her what I can do to make her more comfortable. There's also a new medication called Anipryl that I think might help as her symptoms indicate canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (known as dementia in humans), often misunderstood as inevitable signs of old age. This morning she's acting normal, so it's a good time to talk with her.
Hi Jasmine, it's me Karen. Can you hear me?
I do Karen. I hear you. What would you like to know?
I'm concerned about how you're feeling. Can you tell me how your body feels?
Tired - it feels tired. I'm getting very old. Things are not easy for me any more.Yes, I can see that. Can you tell me if anything hurts?
My knees hurt and my neck aches sometimes. Mostly my legs - they're just weak and I get stiff when I lay down. I'm sleepy a lot too.
I noticed you have a little bump on the right edge of your belly. Is that bothering you? (It feels like a little fatty tumor, but needs checking.)
No, it doesn't bother me. I don't even know it's there.
Good. What I'm really worried about is that sometimes you seem very far away, like you're not really here, and you seem to be confused. Can you tell me about that?
I have a hard time remembering things and that upsets me. I seem to go somewhere else sometimes and I wonder who I am and what I'm doing here. How I got wherever I am. It goes away though, but it's very disturbing to me. I feel the need to walk then, to try to clear my head.
I see. Would you say this makes you depressed? You look down sometimes.
Yes, I feel depressed because I can't remember what I should. Then I do, and I think how silly I am - how could I forget? Sometimes things look strange to me too - like I should know what they are but I don't remember.
Do you forget who I am and who Richie is sometimes too?
Sometimes you look funny - like I should recognize you but I don't. Then I remember. It's very disturbing. I guess it's my brain.
Yes, that's what it sounds like. (I explain about the medication and ask if she'd like to give it a try.)
Yes, I would like that because I feel I can't do my job here - I have no purpose.
Yes, I know. I'd like that. I'd like to try it.
Ok, we will then. It has to be taken with food in the morning though, so you'll have to make sure to eat (she doesn't always eat her breakfast).
I think I'm eating pretty good. It's better now that it's cool.
While we're talking, can you tell me if you like your new bed? (Jasmine had an accident on her old bed that she really loved but it's been discontinued, so I got her a goose down comforter at a yard sale.)
Yes, I like my new bed. I'd like to use it during the day too. Could I do that? (She uses another bed during the day as she's in and out and it's easier to wash.)
Yes, I'll put it out for you during the day from now on. I'm sorry I couldn't save your old bed after the accident.
That's ok - it was harder for me to get up with that bed anyway. But I did like it. It had a lot of happy memories inside it.
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Jasmine on her old falling apart bed that she loved, singing |
Oh yes, I like my walks very much.
Would you prefer avoiding the hills?
Sometimes I don't mind the hills, some days it's too hard. But I like my walks very much!
I like our walks very much too. I look forward to them and love walking with you! (I've been trimming Jasmine's toenails almost weekly as they grow very fast. She hates it so I explain why it's necessary and ask if she can cooperate more.)
I understand. I can't help it. I don't like my feet held - they feel trapped and it puts me off blanance. Not that my balance is too good to begin with. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to tip over.
Ok, I just wanted you to know why we have to trim them and that it's to help you walk better. So if you would try to stay calm, it would go a lot faster. Is there anything that you want or need?
I like when you make sure I am clean. I can't clean any more - can't bend my neck that way.
I'm happy to do that for you Jasmine. I hope you know that we love you very much and will do anything we can to help you live. I know some days you aren't well - do you feel like you want to leave your body, or do you still want to live?
Yes, I still want to live. The other dogs need me to teach them things. That's the last thing I can do now is teach and I'd like to do so as long as I can.
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Jasmine with Mick as a puppy |
We all need you, you're an important part of our family. Hopefully the medicine will help you feel better.
I hope it helps too. If not, we will talk again about alternatives, yes?
Yes. Is there anything else you'd like?
I'm liking softer food now. Softer food is nice. I get thirsty too. It's nice to have enough water. It's a long walk to the water. (I use a small water bucket for indoors which is in a central location in the house - in my office, and it's a small one and in the office because she often bumps into it and knocks it over. But I need to fill it to the top more often throughout the day and tell her I'll make sure to do that.)
Yes, full is best for me so I don't have to bend as far. (She send me a picture of how uncomfortable it feels for her to have to put her face inside the bucket if the water is low, as it makes her feel disoriented and off balance.)
Would you like your food dish raised up also?
Maybe. I don't know. We can try. If you don't mind. I don't want to be a bother.
That's no bother. We can give it a try and see if raising your dish works better for you. Is there anything else you'd like?
No. Just thank you, I'm happy to hear that there's something that might help me, so thank you for getting it for me.
You're welcome Jasmine. Thanks for talking with me and don't forget, we love you very much!
Note: Jasmine started the Anipryl Saturday morning, 10/23/10, and showed immediate improvement that day and also today which is Sunday. It takes 6 weeks to become fully effective and I'm going to keep a log on her progress, watch for any side affects, and will post updates.
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