Date: 10/12/10
Time: 4:51 - 5:21pm
Species: Canine, Great Dane, Male, 2 1/2 years old, neutered
Person: Lori P., fostering
Background: Jagger bit a young boy on his ear/skull resulting in lacerations requiring medical care but not as an emergency. The child was a family friend over to play, it is unclear whether the children and dog were being supervised. Cause of bite was stated as happening suddenly, for no reason. Family has 4 children ages 5-12 with friends in and out and they were worried about reoccurrence. Jagger is currently not eating well and is nervous/afraid. Foster mom Lori has accepted an application from a new family, no children, experienced with Great Danes, with someone home almost always, who Jagger will be meeting tomorrow. Lori wants Jagger to know the reason he was sent away from his family and that he'll be meeting a new family tomorrow.
Hi Jagger, my name is Karen. I'm a person. Can you hear me?
Yes? A person? How strange. You want me? How did you reach me?
Lori, the person you're staying with, wanted me to talk with you to explain a few things and ask some questions. Do you mind talking with me?
No, I don't mind. Boy, my life sure is a mess now. Totally ****** up if you don't mind my saying so.
That's ok, I understand. Do you know what happened to cause you to leave your home and to be at Lori's?
No, I don't. But I guess it has to do with a little boy. (Sighs) I made a mistake and did the unforgivable, didn't I? They hate me now. And I worked so hard to be loved. Now what? What will happen to me?
Actually, your family still loves you very much and were very sad this happened. They don't hate you, they are just sad and disappointed. But, there will be lots more children in that home in the future, and for a long time, so they worried you would bite another child. It is forbidden for dogs to bite humans, especially children. So Lori has found you another home and she believes it's a good one. (I tell him about the new family and that he will meet them and go home with them tomorrow.)
So soon? I'm just getting used to here! But I could use some quiet I guess.
Yes, some quiet and hopefully an ideal home for you. Can you tell me what caused you to bite that little boy?
I discouraged him when he grabbed my neck.
Can you tell me exactly what happened?
He grabbed my neck and stuck his fingers in my throat. So I bit him to make him stop. I didn't bite him hard. He hurt my throat! I am sensitive there, in that spot in the middle. And he had his teeth showing! I thought he wanted to kill me!
(I ask Jagger to send me pictures of what happened and he does. The boy was sitting down and Jagger started to stand on the boy's legs so he could sniff his head, and the boy pushed him back with his fists, pressing and jabbing Jagger's throat in the soft part in the middle. The boy was struggling to push him back, his teeth were bared and he was saying "get off, get off". Then Jagger bit him.)
Ok, well he wasn't trying to kill you, he was just trying to get you off his legs. You're a big dog and you may have hurt him by standing on his legs. It was just an accident he got your throat - that's the only thing he could reach to push you back. Just an unfortunate accident he caught you there.
Yes, an accident, a misunderstanding. Then there was a big upset. Not good. I got scared. Then I was no longer loved. Do dogs need to put up with that?
Yes, you must avoid biting, especially children. I know you are young, but you must learn to think about things and choose other alternatives, like running away.
I didn't know it was expected. I was very surprised. I suppose there is no going back, no forgiveness?
There is no going back. Your family understands you made a mistake, but they are afraid it will happen again, so they thought a new home would be the best way for them and for you.
Oh, I see. Oh dear. What a bad mistake on my part. It won't happen again I hope. It's hard. For a dog to know what is real when it comes to children. Adults are more clear.
That's true, but you must remember that children sometimes do surprising things and you must avoid biting them. Can you tell me what you like so I can let Lori know and she can tell your new family?
Oh, I like to sit on a rug and watch TV. I like TV. I don't like loud music, but I like nice music. I'm very visual and appreciate interesting things to look at. I don't like a lot of loud noises or screaming, but I don't require perfect quiet either. I also like to know what to expect. A routine. I didn't always get food and water at the same times in my old home and that bothers me. I like food and like to know when I'm going to eat. Is this helping? Is that the kind of things to like that you mean?
Yes, those are the types of things I wanted you to tell me. Is there any particular kind of food that you like?
Well, I just got dog food and sometimes some people food off the floor by accident. But I mostly just know about dog food (he shows me plain kibble). Some variety would be nice I guess. People food smells really good. Some of that might be nice.
Ok, I'll let Lori know. Can you tell me some things that you dislike?
Lots of noise and (frenzied activity - kids running around playing and screaming.). That makes my head spin. Trying to hear a lot of sounds and watch or keep an eye on a lot of things at the same time. I also don't like my neck grabbed. My mother grabbed my neck a few times and it hurt. Means bad boy. I don't want to be a bad boy! I got my neck caught (in something) a few times too. I'm protective of my neck.
Do you mind a collar and a leash?
No. It's jabbing on my neck in that middle part. I can't breath then - that scares me. I'm so tired, I would like to just sleep a long time. This has been a shock to me.
Of course it has, that's understandable. But now you can look forward to meeting your new family and going to live in more quiet home tomorrow.
Ok Karen. I'll gather my courage then and look forward to meeting my new family tomorrow. I hope they like me. I want to love someone. Having a home is important to me.
Yes, a home is important to all of us - a good home. Is there anything you'd like to tell Lori that we didn't talk about?
No, just thanks for helping me.
Is there anything in particular you'd like your new family to know?
No, I guess not. Just that I'm nervous and I hope they like me.
Well they have chosen you from many dogs so they already like you. I hope you are very happy and very loved in your new home. It was a pleasure talking with you and I thank you very much!
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