Peridot Grouse Feathers Healing Rock by CalliopeAZCreations on Etsy
Happy Monday and welcome Grouse, who has come to teach me about the sacred spiral, movement and dance! She asks us to examine how we are moving through our lives and if those movements are bringing us closer to our goals and dreams. Our actions create energy that goes out into the Universe and attract what we desire....or not.
Grouse are found in the Northern Hemisphere, even in sub-arctic climates, nesting in shallow depressions in the ground. They eat mostly vegetation along with tiny rocks to help them with digestion. They are well feathered down to their toes and even their nostrils have feathers!
When I was young, I used to draw spirals all over everything and consider them to be one of my personal symbols. Spirals are used in Reiki healing - one drawn clockwise is to increase energy, and counter clockwise for decreasing. They are symbolic of going to the center where one's personal power and connection to Spirit is. Some cultures, like Grouse, dance in spirals to help make this connection.
Yes, I like spirals so much I even have them on my kitchen cabinets.
But in spite of my love of the design, I can't honestly say I've explored its' potential to the fullest and look forward to learning more from Grouse today!
End of day notes: Nicole, thank you for your comment and that is exactly what I wanted to do but with the temps in the 90's again today and wicked humidity I was barely able to slog through my chores and couldn't stand being outdoors for more than a few minutes at a time. Besides the heat, the biting flies are all over me and the dogs the second we step outside. So no walking and certainly no dancing or spinning. I'm kind of stuck on how to complete this lesson. Tomorrow is Mom and errand marathon day so no opportunities there that I know of. I need to think out of the box but my brain is fried so I've asked Grouse for further instructions and await a reply....
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