Monday, June 23, 2014

Raccoon Medicine

Welcome Raccoon, who is my teacher today!

Raccoons, who are native to North America and can weigh up to 20 pounds, are known for their intelligence, clever paws, and handsome masks.  They are mostly nocturnal and will eat almost anything.  I was suprised to learn they only live to around age 3 and their keenest sense is their sense of touch. Wickipedia says:
Almost two-thirds of the area responsible for sensory perception in the raccoon's cerebral cortex is specialized for the interpretation of tactile impulses, more than in any other studied animal.[57] They are able to identify objects before touching them with vibrissae located above their sharp, nonretractable claws.[58]

Raccoon's medicine has to do with protecting and giving to those who are weaker than us, while also teaching that if we do not care and provide for ourselves,  we may not be able to take care of others.  Raccoon also encourages us to give back to the source of our strength and those who provide for us so that goodness and generosity will flow in a circle.  Raccoons in groups are known to share with each other and there is usually a "lookout" who watches over the others and that lookout is provided for too.

We just returned from vacation and since I gave plenty to myself during that time, I'm looking at others in my life and immediately thought of my husband who patiently came with me to the Brimfield Antiques show for the first two days and countless antiques shops on the last day.  I'm also thinking of my dogs who I asked to watch over my kennel person, Melissa by keeping her company and warning her of any intruders.  When we returned, Melissa told me that the dogs were extra good company and warned her about a skunk who visited here at 5:00 in the morning.  So I think today will be about giving some extra time and care to my family.

Of course, sometimes I think I know what the lesson is, and it turns out to be about something else entirely so I'll have to see what else the day brings.

Also, I want to thank my teacher from last week, who was Bee, for all her help!

End of day notes:  I did manage to spend a little time with the dogs, tho not as much as I wanted to since after being away there was tons to do.  Also, cooked a nice dinner for my hubby, and got Mom's clothes ironed. I shared some pictures of the Brimfield Antiques Show this past week on my other blog which I hope someone who wasn't able to go will enjoy.  Now it's time to give to myself -  off to tuck the dogs in and get to bed!

Thank you Raccoon!

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