Monday, June 23, 2014

Ant Medicine

Ant Cupcake Topper by CupcakeEssentials on Etsy

Today is the first day of the Animals Game that I posted about playing last Thursday, and the animal chosen for me to be is Ant.  Ant is especially appropriate as my first worry upon waking this morning was money and the lack of shows available for me to sell at until the 4'th of July.  I sell on Etsy too, but shows provide instant cash which is why I like to do them in the summer.

Ant teaches about patience, working hard, working for the good of the community, and trusting the Universe to provide what is needed. I'm also on a bit of a diet since I managed to eat a cupcake and two home made donuts yesterday along with everything else. Ants are known for eating their food slowly, so today I will try to do that instead of wolfing down my meals!

It's the end of the day - tomorrow actually since it's past midnight and I did very well at working hard by completing a large button project that I've been putting off,  knowing it would taken an entire day, and I did a number of things to benefit others - small things but definitely helpful to both humans and animals.  I almost got a perfect score for not losing my patience until around 8:30, when I was tired and rushing to finish something - two patience-loosing triggers I've made note of. But it was only a small, brief lapse. As far as not gobbling my food, I failed completely at that because I ate breakfast while feeding the dogs, lunch while vacuuming the kennel.  All in all, not too bad since I've had no practice for 5 years.  Thank you to Ant for being my teacher today!

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